Are you Fashionable
Fashionable is not a mere word for wearing clothes and eating food or using expensive perfumes. Its about the attitude a human has towards his or her life.As the famous proverb goes Atittude defines youyr altitude being fashionable will really add a lot to your attitude and in a way altitude.In this blog I am concentrating on the appearancxe part of fashion that is the clothing, jewellery and food but there are other more important things too.You can have fashion in eatying , in drinking , in talking and almost everything you do in your daily life. When you go to a lifestyle shore you find most of theitems are expensive.For example if you wanna buy a piece opf jewellry you will find two different prices in two different shopes according to the localityand availaibility of such jewellery. Its the customers choice to choose. Using expensive perfumes especially branded ones will show your status in parties and such occasions. While choosing perfumes look for a mild perfume with last longing smell than a strong perfumewith a short life.Makeup will hide many of your weaknesses but make sure they do not look vulgour.Today The British lifestyle is the ‘thrid most expensive’ in the world.Only three percent of American adults follow a healthy lifestyle non smoking,healthy weight, eating five or more fruits and vegetables consumption, and being active. That's what researchers at Michigan State University in East Lansing concluded after examining the lifestyle habits of 100,000 people.You can look 10 yearsyounger without plastic surgery by using the right anti-aging products.chemical peels, Microdermabrasion, retinoids and antioxidants are all methods more and more women are using now a days in their life style. Expensive surgeries are avoided these days. these cosmetic surgeries are a thing of past. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 13 million Americans received cosmetic plastic surgery in 2006, a 60 percent increase from 2000. If this kind of increase continues, even in this economic wrinkle, it will only prove that preening, primping and plumping areprofitable prospects for investors.

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